Saturday, 21 January 2017

As in some other subjects so also in Mathematics, the students be encouraged to organize themselves into Mathematics clubs and Mathematics associations. Under the auspices of this organization, discussions and lectures etc. are arranged. Such functions are quite helpful in creating interest in Mathematics. Under the auspices of such organization certain games based on some concepts of mathematics and mathematical problems can also be arranged. This is likely to help the students in having an idea of the practical utility of mathematics in addition to creating their interest in mathematics.
The values of mathematics clubs has been summarized below by Early Childhood Care and Education:
i) It is useful in arousing and maintaining interest in mathematics.
ii) It stimulates the active participation of the students.
iii) It develops in the students a habit of selective study. This helps them to make a distinction between relevant and irrelevant material.
iv) The knowledge gained by students in various function of such club activities supplements the class teaching.
v) It provides the students an opportunity to free discussion and they are benefited from one anther’s view.
vi) Gifted students get an opportunity to satisfy their needs and interests by actively participating in the activities of such clubs and associations.
vii) Students get an opportunity to listen to some well known and distinguished mathematicians.
viii) It gives the students basic training in organizing such programs.
ix) It is helpful in making proper utilization of leisure time.
x) Through participation in such clubs students get acquainted with the Contribution of Great Mathematicians in their fields.


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