Saturday, 21 January 2017


In our schools laboratories are generally established for science subjects.Therefore for a number of persons the idea of setting mathematics laboratory in the school sounds quiet unusual. Laboratory is a place which serves two fold purposes.Firstly it provides safe and proper place for placing all the essential material and equipment concerning the learning activities in a subject.Secondly it gives proper facilities and opportunities for essential practical work and lively learning experiences.Apart from this, setting of mathematics library will prove useful to a mathematics teacher in many different ways.The mathematics knowledge which cannot be translated into practice is a useless burden and therefore students of mathematics should be given proper opportunities for the integration of theory with practice.

Some of the advantages of a mathematics laboratory may summarised as follows:

1. It will help in creating interest of the students in the learning of mathematicians.

2. It will help in making use of all the progressive methods like inductive,analytic, laboratory,heuristic and project methods in the teaching and learning of mathematics.

3. It will help in the inculcation of scientific,problem solving and heuristic attitude among the students.

4. The theoretical concepts may be easily clarified through practical demonstration.In this way the laboratory should would definitely save the time and energy of the teachers as well as students.

5. It will help in training the students for the practical application of mathematical facts and principles in their life.

6. It will help in satisfying the creative and constructive urges of the students.

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